Calhoun County Probate Court
902 FR Huff Drive * St. Matthews, South Carolina 29135 (803)874-3514
Guardianships and Conservatorships
Conservatorship -
A court ordered legal relationship where a competent adult or entity is appointed to make financial decisions for a minor or incapacitated adult and care for and manage the property or estate of the protected person. These decisions typically include all decisions regarding the protected person’s property, bank accounts, and bills.
A conservatorship or other protected proceeding involves the management of financial affairs or property. Conservatorships may be established for an incapacitated person or for a minor. In every case, the court must determine that there is money or property, which requires management or protection, which cannot otherwise be provided. The primary responsibilities of a conservator are to manage and protect the property and to report periodically to the court about the assets, receipts and disbursements of the estate.
Guardianship -
A court ordered legal relationship where a competent adult is appointed to care for and make personal decisions on behalf of an incapacitated adult. These proceedings may become necessary for an adult when the person, due to advanced age or physical or mental incapacity, becomes unable to make important decisions on his or her own behalf.
**PLEASE NOTE: Guardianship for minors may only be filed in Family Court.
In some cases, there will be both a guardianship and conservatorship for the incapacitated person. All guardianships and conservatorships are under court supervision. It is the court's responsibility to make certain that the guardianship and conservatorship are functioning in the best interests of the protected person. It is the guardian's and conservator's responsibility to follow the court's instructions and to always act in the best interest of the protected person.