Calhoun County Probate Court
902 FR Huff Drive * St. Matthews, South Carolina 29135 (803)874-3514
Involuntary Mental Health/ Chemical Dependency Commitments
Emergency Commitments - Order of Detention
If you have a family member or friend that you believe requires immediate treatment for either a mental illness or chemical dependency, you must first go to Calhoun County Mental Health, located at 112 Guess Lane, St. Mathews, SC. to request an Emergency Commitment, also known as an Order of Detention.
After Hours: Please go to the closest Emergency Room.
Requirements for a Detention Order:
The individual must pose an immediate threat to self or others.
If threats were made, they must have been witnessed by the petitioner within 24 hours of the Detention Order request.
The petitioner must know where the individual is currently located. (This will assist law enforcement in locating and detaining the individual.)
It is helpful to know whether the individual has a history of mental illness and/or chemical dependency.
It is helpful to know whether the individual is currently taking any medication(s).
It is helpful to know whether the individual is having any self-care or self-neglect issues, such as not sleeping, not eating, or neglecting hygiene, that suggests the possibility of harm to self.
Based on the information provided to the Mental Health Professional, the Order of Detention request may or may not be forwarded to the Probate Court for approval.
If approved, the Probate Court will issue an Order of Detention and law enforcement will be dispatched to locate and detain the individual.
The individual will be transported to the nearest emergency room for examination. If in the opinion of the mental health professionals, the individual meets the requirements for an emergency commitment, the individual will be admitted to an appropriate treatment facility.